

  • Beneficios
      1. Activates Cell Regeneration
      2. Promotes the formation of glutathione
      3. Boosts performance, endurance, and energy
      4. Possesses anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity
      5. Powerful antioxidant that delays/prevents aging
      6. Slows down chronic degenerative diseases
      7. effective in the prevention and treatment of cancer
      8. Strengthens the immune system
      9. Stabilizes the intestinal microbiota

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  • Ingredientes
      1. Pterostilbeno (Pterostilbene)
      2. Cunermuspir
      3. N-Acetil-Cistein (N-Acetyl-Cysteine)
      4. Cordiceps (Cordyceps)
      5. Bifidobacterium Longum
      6. Vitamina D3 [colecalciferol] (Vitamin D3 [cholecalciferol])
  • Modo de empleo
    1. Tomar 1 capsula al dia


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